So I just recently discovered Verizon FiOS and I'm considering getting it for our home. It's not because I'm a loyal Verizon customer, as I have been with them through the good and bad times for more than 10 years now! Sheesh! I'm considering it because it has so many great and appealing features that include everything from how you watch your television, to internet, to phones. You can have everything work seamlessly together with Verizon FiOS.
These are just a few of the reasons that Verizon FiOS Appeals to me and my family.
Verizon is a service I can rely on and trust with my families needs. I know they can provide my family with the best possible customer service and programing that can be offered.
They offer Video on demand for kids programming as well as for adults which is amazing so you don't even really need to know how to use a DVR or have a Tivo anymore to watch your favorite shows after you miss them. And some of the programming is Free which if it's free it's for me! This is also great because you can turn on your kids favorite program or movies at any time or any where in your house with Flex view, which I think is great! With Flex View, you can buy, rent and watch on-demand video titles on your FiOS TV, on your computer or on your mobile phone.
It also appeals to me because I NEED HIGH SPEED INTERNET! NEEDDDD IT! It essential to helping me work quickly and work on my blog effectively. I need my internet to be reliable and not just be super fast. I need it to work when I need it to work. FiOS doesn’t let up during “peak” hours like when the kids come home from school when some cable services slow down due to increased usage. So when the computers, ipods, ipads, and game systems are all connected I would love to have an internet connection that didn't shut down or slow down because it is being used by so many devices.
I also love that it gives you the capability to connect socially to all your social Media sites like facebook and twitter right on your tv. You won't need to get up and go to the computer room or go get your computer or ipad to connect anymore. I think it's extremely appealing that I can just click a widget on my TV screen and connect.
I think these are all great reasons to consider Verizon FiOS and why I think it would be very appealing to my family as we discuss making the change.
Here is some more info for you to learn about Verizon FiOS
Why FiOS Rocks
- Verizon’s advanced fiber optic technology lets you watch HDTV with less interruptions, pixelation, or weather interference.
- FiOS is more weather resistant and more durable than the copper phone lines or coaxial cable .
- With the massive bandwidth of a 100% fiber-optic network connected directly to the home, you’ll be “future-proofed” for all the hot new Internet tools and applications coming down the pike.
- Verizon FiOS TV was rated #1 in value, overall quality and customer loyalty, according to the 2010 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey for the largest subscription TV service providers.
- J.D. Power and Associates ranked FiOS "Highest in Residential Television Service Satisfaction in the East Region," three years in a row.
- Watch this video of real kids talking about why FiOS is cool
- With Flex View, you can buy, rent and watch on-demand video titles on your FiOS TV, on your computer or on your mobile phone.
- So imagine this…you missed The King’s Speech in the theater and prefer watching it on FIOS TV on-demand from the comfort of your living room anyway. You rented it late last night and weren’t able to finish it. With Flex View on FiOS TV, you can finish watching it on your mobile phone while waiting in the car pool line.
- How does it work? or
- Media Manager is a Verizon service that lets you access media content that either resides on or is streamed from your PC.
- Using Media Manager, you can access digital photos, music files, Internet radio stations, home videos, Internet videos from certain web sites directly from your FiOS-connected TV.
- Verizon FiOS features awesome TV widgets like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, allowing you to Tweet directly from your TV, using your remote while watching TV. Yes, with FiOS, you can watch Modern Family and Tweet about the scary but true similarities between your husband and Ed O’Neill. Or update your Facebook status with “Yes, the kids are FINALLY in bed!” and virtually high-five with your fellow moms---all directly from your TV.
- FiOS has re-made TV into social TV.
- FiOS TV Widgets:
- There's a reason FiOS is America's top-rated high speed Internet service.
- FiOS Internet gives you the fastest upload speeds and amazingly clear streaming video.
- But speed is only valuable when you've got great service. That's why we make sure FiOS isn't just faster, but also more reliable.
- FiOS Internet has won’s Readers’ Choice award five years in a row. According to the leading technology review site, "Verizon's FiOS stands alone when it comes to satisfied customers."
- Real mom discusses why she loves FiOS Internet when it comes to her home-based business:
- In-Home Agent is a PC application that provides you with fast, easy solutions for common FiOS & High Speed Internet questions. It's 24/7 support at the click of your mouse!
- In-Home Agent, best used on your Home PC, provides step by step guided help to manage your FiOS or High Speed Internet service
- More information
If you haven't checked to see if Verizon FiOs is available in your area, I encourage you to check it out today. You can also get More info on Verizon FiOS at:
Verizon FiOS on Facebook:
Follow @Verizon on Twitter
Verizon on YouTube: YouTube/Verizon
I'm looking into it and I think you should too!
Disclosure: “I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Verizon FiOS blogging program for a gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”