Seeking BlogHer ’11 Sponsorship!
I love discovering, reviewing, parenting, and sharing products with my readers. I am seeking sponsorship, not only to offer me the opportunity to connect with other bloggers in the social media arena, but to give YOU the opportunity to have a dedicated brand representative eager to educate others and extend your reach.
I am now Currently Seeking Sponsorship:
BlogHer 2011I am seeking Sponsors to help me fund this venture. My official sponsors would solely provide me with:
I will be providing my own driving transportation to San Diego as I live in California. That is all I need help with covering. Total cost I be about $700. $300 for BlogHer ticket and $400 for the hotel.
What is BlogHer?
BlogHer ’11 will bring over three thousand attendees together from all over the world to share hands-on learning, rich discussions, opportunities to meet with the brands that support them and plentiful networking opportunities.
BlogHer ’11 is being held from Thursday August 4th through Saturday August 6th at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.
For a sponsorship I would provide:
- Two product/brand blog posts (There will be a third post after the Conference which will recap the experience and again thank all my sponsors.)
- Live Blogging during the Conference for your products.
- Twitter activity through out the event. (No less than 2 tweets a day using a sponsor approved hashtag to my almost 1,000 followers per day of the conference with said hashtag.)
- Facebook visability through out the event with postings to fan page.
- Logo sticker displayed on both my laptop and iPad, one will be with me at all times.
- “Sponsored by” designation Sponsor button/banner in my blog sidebar.
- Ad stays on site 60 days after event
- I Will wear clothing promoting your brand for 1 full day of event if you want.
And if your company would like to be my SOLE sponsor You would not only receive everything listed but all of my promotional attention focused Solely on your brand.
PLEASE CONTACT ME at thequeenofswag at gmail dot com or on twitter at queenofswag4u or on if your interested.
Thank you again for your consideration! I look forward to showcasing your company!