Hey All!
There are Five summer getaways I feel every kid should experience in my opinion that I would love to share with you today. Again these are the places I took my kid too and I felt that he should experience. Whatever you feel is right for your family is best for your family and children. I think these places are heaven on Earth and I loved them as a child. I think your child may want to visit them as well.
The first place I would have to say is...
The ORIGINAL Disneyland!
I think every kid should get the chance to visit the park that started it all. They should get to see where Walt Disney himself walked and have that magical experience.
And my second choice would have to be no surprise...
The size of this park alone and all the variety of experiences you get to go when you visit Disneyworld is priceless. There are 5 parks that have everything from world cultures to LIVE animals. You get to go to Epcot, Animal kingdom, Magic kingdom, and so much more at Disneyworld. It's literally a week long kid paradise in my opinion. And it's great for any Disney lover as well. What more could a kid want. And oh yeah Mickey is there too! Every kid should visit this magical place at least once in their young life.
My next choice would have to be...
The Grand Canyon!
Getting to walk on the sky walk and looking down at that amazing view and getting to see nature in all it's glory is a must for any kid to see and visit. Camping in the Grand Canyon or taking a trip there is a perfect kid friendly getaway!
My fourth choice would be NEW YORK!
Besides it being my home town, the culture, museums, Statue of Liberty, empire state building, there is too much for kids to experience in New York. Broadway shows. Every kid should experience at least one show in their lifetime. It's the perfect getaway with so much to do and see! I love visiting the Museum of Natural history and Fao Schwartz! Seeing the animals at the central park zoo. It's a magical city that should be explored with your kids.
And last but not least!
I think every kids should experience a ROAD TRIP family getaway!
Every kid should experience this beautiful country and take a road trip with their parents and see all the sites across the country.
Those are my top 5 summer getaways! What are yours?
Disclosure: “I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Alamo blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”