Hey all, I can’t believe summer is over and its time to start thinking about and planning for the 2010 Holiday season! OMG I'm so excited! I love the holidays and I tend to go overboard on the decorating since I tend to be overly festive, especially for Halloween.
Last Halloween I carved Michael Jackson's face into our pupkin using my Black and Decker pumpkin carving drill. God I love that thing! It makes carving our pumpkins so amazing every year. This year my family and I have decided on an R2-D2 pumpkin. I will keep you posted on how it turns out. I love Halloween so much I've already decorated our house and it's not even October yet!
Yes that is my fire place mantle already covered in spider webs, sculls, and creapy crawlies to turn our apartment into a spooky haunted house. I love it! You should see the rest of the house!
Back to what I intended this post for...
I'd like to do my very first Holiday Gift Guide and hold giveaways during it. I'm also interested in getting my readers and companies both big and small involved. I'd love for it to be a very interactive holiday season filled with, giveaways, craft ideas and recipe exchanges, decorating and party idea suggestions, and of course holiday SWAG! Star Wars Holiday ideas are always highly welcomed if you can see by our christmas tree last year!
I’m currently trying to set up my 1st Ever Holiday Gift Guides for 2010! I'm starting with my SWAGGERIFIC HALLOWEEN GUIDE for Oct. 1st-31st!
SO If you have a Halloween themed product or a product that can be perfect for Halloween that you'd like featured and reviewed and or host a Feature/Review/Giveaway, or have an event, idea, movie, film or craft you'd like featured let me know ASAP so I can include you in the Swaggerific Halloween Guide!
Then I'd like to begin my Holiday Gift Guide in November through the beginning of December, dates will be determined by the number of sponsors that are participating. My plan is to get it finished at the beginning of December so everyone will have the hottest products (YOURS) in their mind as they finish up their holiday shopping.
In NOVEMBER I will be giving all sponsors that participate in my Holiday Gift Guide free ad space on my left side bar. This add must be a button no larger than 150x150. If you do not have a button this size I will create one for you. This is just a bonus so that you are getting exposure through the event and the holidays.
I'm currently seeking products that I feel would be a great holiday gift or holiday themed items. This includes all kinds of products even including food or gift baskets for all ages. Please feel free to include items for men, women, and children as well as holiday specific items such as decorations, books, holiday movies, music, games, etc. Please don't hesitate to contact me, if the item is not a good fit for my blog I will be sure to let you know, it doesn't hurt to ask.
To participate in my Holiday Gift Guide you will need to provide me an item to review and an item or gift card to giveaway to my readers during the event. If I have previously reviewed an item from you we may discuss just a giveaway option for you. Please fill out the information below and I will be in contact with you as soon as possible. If you wish to by pass the form and email me directly please feel free to do so at mailto:thequeenoswag@gmail.com. Please provide as much information as you can, regarding the product for review and giveaway.
There is no fee involved for participating in my Gift Guide. If your company, business or service would like to participate please let me know it it would be possible to do a review and/or giveaway. Doing both would be ideal for me, since I know that my readers love the opportunity to win a fabulous prize. If you do not want to host a giveaway I MAY BE open to at the very least offering my readers a special promotion or coupon for your review. Again this depends on the review, product, and company.
SPONSORS If you are interested in being part of the HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE then just take a quick moment to fill out the FORM WITH THE CANDY CANES BELOW so we can get together and work out the details.
I am also looking for the following from my readers and followers as well. Or whom ever would like to contribute:
Holiday music, movies and TV programming. Any movies, shows, anything you think should be featured let me know. Hallmark Channel and ABC Family always have great holiday programs especially for Halloween and Chrsitmas.
Holiday and Halloween Discounts and Freebies that I can share with my readers. I would need to know the discount code and the dates is available for use.
Affordable and unique gift ideas for babies, children, teen, adults and pets. Can't leave out our doggy Mr. Pink.
Recipes for meals, treats, cakes, deserts, party themed snacks (like for Halloween or Christmas Parties), beverages and more. If you can take pictures along with the recipes or suggestions that would be great.
Craft ideas. For any of the Holidays I mentioned. I LOVE making handmade gifts and decorations. If you look closely on my fire place you will see an accordion scrapbook I made for our dogs pictures. So any craft ideas you'd like to share with pictures would be great!
If you have any questions, please e-mail me directly or contact me on twitter @queenofswag4u or on facebook or Leave a COMMENT on this post. Links to all ways to contact me are located on my right side bar.
AGAIN if you're Company, business, service, or product there is no fee involved for participating in my Gift Guide. And it's essentially free advertising and publicity for you!
I am currently setting up the calendar for MY SPONSORS and would like to offer spots in the Holiday Gift Guide to whomever would like to participate on a first come, first serve basis. So SPONSORS get in your products, events, and businesses in now!
Again this Guide will be open to EVERYONE, from big companies to small home businesses, (EVERYONE WHO HAS A BUSINESS ON ETSY.COM PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PARTICIPATE!) I love the stores featured on Esty.com. You can find amazing products there.
The guides are OPEN to my readers or if you are not a business but have site or a craft or recipe you would like to share like the (Christmans Story Ralphie and legs Lamp Cookies I make every year seen below) please feel free to contact me. I will give you full credit for your submission as well as provide a link to your site if you have one. If you are a blogger its a great way to get some traffic and a link back to your site. We can also throw a blog link back party if you'd like to partner our blogs up for our gift guides.
I'm Open to everything! Tis the season to be giving and sharing. So AGAIN please feel free to contact me! LEAVE A COMMENT, OR CONTACT ME via EMAIL, FACEBOOK, OR TWITTER.
Feel free to grab my Halloween or Holiday gift badges/buttons for your blog or website to spread the word!!!
Thanks for following my blog and I look forward to hearing your suggestions and or featuring your products in my Swaggerific Halloween and Holiday Gift Guides for 2010!