Do you want to make one, too? It's easy!
For this project, you will need:
Card Stock
6 Paperclips
You can make your own letters, or you can use these. Just drag them to your desktop and print them onto card stock in whatever size you like.

Have your kids color each letter before you cut them out. Then trim your pictures a little bit larger than the openings and tape them into place behind the frame. For this set, I cut the opening of the A a little bit bigger to fit the picture. Then I outlined it again with black marker.

Overlap the letters and glue or tape them together at the back. I backed ours with cardboard, but you really don't need to. Then, open up your paperclips. Attach the small part of each paperclip to the bottom of the back of the frame. For this one, I used glue dots and they worked out fine, but tape will work too.
Sit it up on the paperclips and you're done!

Cute as can be!
This is last year's version. Ella colored the first D and then was tired of it, so Peyton colored the rest of the letters. I did the cutting and the glue-dotting, but they helped supervise. They were so proud!
But! They are even more proud of this year's version. Because this year they kicked me out of all the major decision making.
And they cut.
And they decided on the pictures.
And Peyton DID NOT want me to cut out the middle of the A to make it bigger like last year.
And they DID NOT want me to outline the letters with black marker.
And they wanted BLUE on the back. Because DADDY LOVES BLUE!
For goodness sake.
This year Ella did the first two Ds before she got sick of it. Luckily, Peyton loves to color, so he was more than willing to pick up the slack.
The only thing they let me do was cut out said blue.
And attach the paper clips. With TAPE! No glue dots! Geez!
But then we covered the tape with red hearts. And then they each wrote a little something on red paper to match the hearts.
And YOU KNOW they love this year's frame! Especially since I let them boss me around a little bit when we made it. What could be better?