happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012
happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012 happy mothers day :
top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012 happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day
poetry i...
FATHER'S DAY GIFT GUIDE FEATURE! Tiny Prints For Fathers Day! Biz Card!
Hey All!
Did you know Tiny Prints sells beautiful and completely personalizable business cards?
I think these would be a great gift to give Dad this Father's Day if he has his own business or if you want to make business cards with a thank you on it that you can give him when ever you feel like. Or you can order make yourself some DADDY cards AKA the same thing as Mommy Cards but for dads with your kids info and your info and emergency info.
I myself will most likely be getting some new amazing Tiny Prints Business cards because I will be attending the BlogHer conferrance this year. I get a ton of business cards when I go to Comic-Con or to blogger events. I have a little binder that has plastic business card holder slits in it and keep all my cards that I get organized that way. I also separate them by cards for the home and family aka cards for businesses we use personally like the pizza shop and then I have a section for the bloggers, PR Reps, and businesses I have networked with and work with. It keeps me organized and sane.
A little about Tiny Prints...
Tiny Prints provides stylish, modern and unique stationery that cover all your paper needs. You'll find summer party invitations, personalized greeting cards, thank you cards, business cards, and even custom wedding invitations. Come try the easy card personalization, powerful preview engine and top-notch customer service and paper quality for yourself! With Tiny Prints by your side, commemorating every holiday and momentous occasion is a cinch.
How do you organize your conference business cards? Both the ones you hand out and the ones you receive?
***Disclosure: I will be hopefully receiving a gift card to tiny prints for this post. I was not compensated in any other way for this post. All opinions are my own.***