We've traded in some of our old household cleaners and have changed the way we eat and dispose and use waste. We are trying to cut our carbon foot print as a family and I'd like to share some tips on how you and your family can try to do the same.
I like that we do it as a family. It brings us closer together and makes us act as a team working together for a common goal. And we are going to reach out goal of being a complete green household!
Here are 10 tips that help keep my home cleaner and greener. I'm sure they will help you too!
1. Use the Fantastic Four cleaners -- vinegar, salt, lemon juice, and baking soda -- they can make your household tasks less complicated and easier on you and the environment. You can use them to clean counter tops, your microwaves, bathroom sinks, refrigerators, anything. You can use each of these as a replacement for your chemical cleaners.
2. To clean the windows in your home use 4 tablespoons lemon juice mixed with a half gallon of water. Other effective cleaners for glass and mirrors are rubbing alcohol and witch hazel. Forget the windex! Use these instead.
3. Wipe windows clean with newspapers. You'll be reusing newspapers and saving on paper towels or try using a clean, lint-free rag instead, perhaps an old cotton T-shirt or cloth diaper.
4. Grow your own fruit and vegetables or herbs. Not only are they be pesticide free but they can be organic as well. You'll be eating much healthier and saving money!
If you don't have a yard, you can always get cheap pots or a herb garden kit to pot your herbs and veggies. Like in this pic below!
5. Cut down on your aluminum and plastic baggie use and get a product like Wrap N Mat a reusable lunch wrapper that you can wrap your sandwiches or cold lunches in!
6. Replace your light bulbs with energy saving bulbs. They help cut down our electricity costs and cut back on the amount of light bulbs you have to change in a year.
7. Help keep your floors clean by taking off shoes before you come into your homes. It helps save time, money, and cuts back on the carpet and floor cleaners that you use that may be harsh to the environment. You'll also find you have to clean your floor less. I make everyone take their shoes off before they come into the house. It also decreases the spread of germs! Yuck.
8. Make recycling fun! Get your blue, red, and green bins with the proper recycling logos and show your kids how to recycle.
Give them and prize every time they get it right and they will continue to do it right! Encourage art products with a recycling theme, using materials that would have otherwise been thrown away, bottle tops, cereal boxes, toilet rolls tubes can all be used in art and craft projects. Make progress charts to record just how much stuff you are managing to recycle each month. Make recycling fun and it will never become a chore! If Sesame Street can make recycling fun so can you! And your house will be a lot greener too!
9. Fix your leaky faucets and make sure they don't drip. You can really conserve water that way. You can save gallons of water if your faucet doesn't leak!
10. And last but not least: Cut back on how much trash and recyclables you use. For example. Stop buying bottled water! Get a water filter for your faucet or buy a PUR water filter container to filter your water and then get refillable water bottles for your whole family like the SIGG water bottles. They come in various colors and in character prints like Hello Kitty that your whole family will love. You save money and the environment by not using so many plastic bottles when you constantly buy bottled water.
Those are the main tips that my family has done as an attempt to become a green family. I hope they help you and yours do the same.
Thanks for allowing me to share this will you and thank you for following my blog!
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