Today my Power Mac G5 tower died on me and my family. She was 7 years old and I called her old Betty.

She's always been a great computer. I never had any issues with her in the 7 years I've had her. I never once had to take her in for repair and I'd like to think that was my Aunt watching over me and her investment. She had bought it for me as a present for getting accepted into NYU Film School. I've taken very good care of her and she still looks brand new, except she won't turn on!
The computer was working fine last night, but luckily something in my mind kept saying to me,"back up what you need cause you never know what can happen!" I'm so happy I listened to that voice, because this morning old Betty decided enough was enough and would not turn on. I did everything I could think to do to attempt to resuscitate her. I spent the whole day trying to get her to work. I paid $20 for a new battery for the start up disc at Radio Shack, I reset everything I could, I cleaned her. Everything and Everyone took a back seat to my all day operation to attempt to revive my computer. So needless to say anything I hoped to get done today like laundry or cleaning didn't get done. I wasn't going to let her die without a fight! I did manage to get her to boot up once. I was about to rejoice, but she promptly died shortly after she booted up.
I finally accepted defeat when my family came over and pulled me away from it. I couldn't help but shed a few tears for old Betty because she has been there for me through thick and thin, just like my aunt was.
I am taking her to get looked at tomorrow and would like to get her repaired, but I know I simply can't afford to do that right now, nor can I afford another computer at the moment. Since she is such an old computer I'm sure it will cost a lot of money to repair what ever is going wrong with her.
Luckily I had an old ibook laptop tucked away that I bought shortly after Old Betty for college because I needed mobility when I was making movies way back when.

Oh the good old days when I had money to spend without a care in the world. We were living a good life back then. I miss those days especially when we're struggling to pay our bills. I digress...
I thought my ibook laptop was dead as well, but thankfully it just needed a new charger and I can do the basics on it like update my blog, surf the Internet, search for jobs, tweet, write documents, do work, and my teen can use it for school when he starts back up in September. That is of course in hopes that this computer doesn't die too, being that it is almost 7 years old also!
Not having a computer for back to school was my main concern actually. Not having a computer for school work would have been terrible. We would have had to drive to the library every day and waste gas and time to go there to get things done and I would have been behind on everything at home as well. My blog probably would have went under with out a computer. I wouldn't have been able to update as much as I want to and I'm also in the middle of trying to get everything up and running perfectly on this blog as well. It would have been a huge set back for me and my family. So I'm super thankful to my little ibook for turning on and being the champ that it is! Keep up the good work ibook!
So wish me luck tomorrow! Send me much needed good vibes and pray that when I take her in to get checked they find an easy fix that won't cost much money to fix and hopefully they will get it to turn back on. I know I'll be praying all night tonight.
Thanks for letting me share this with you! It's been a stressful weekend and I appreciate the opportunity to have this blog to use as a means to relieve some stress I have by sharing some of my life experiences from time to time.
Thank you again for following and allowing me to vent.